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FratFix Van

\\ FRATFIX offers a comprehensive set of services from maintenance to event management to ensure your fraternity operates efficiently and stress-free.  More  

Welcome to the FRATFIX website — dedicated to servicing and maintaining fraternities! We hope that you will have a successful and enjoyable school year. 

We understand the unique challenges that come with managing a fraternity and we have the necessary resources to support your organization. If you need any help please contact us.

From complete facility maintenance to routine services such as lawn care, cleaning and organizing social events, we are committed to help your fraternity succeed. Our experienced professionals have the expertise and dedication to provide quality service to meet your needs.

Explore our website to learn more about the services we offer. To request a service, use the Supplies, Rentals or Work Order Request options under the Service Request tab.

If you have questions call (814) 880-3131 or send us an email at We are also on Facebook.

Thank you for choosing FRATFIX as a trusted partner to help manage your fraternity!

